La Scala Under30 and the 30/35 project

La Scala Under30 and the 30/35 project

During the Season 2009-2010 Teatro alla Scala launched the “La Scala UNDER30” project, aimed at approaching young people giving them the opportunity to get closer to the Theatre thanks to specific initiatives:

  • with the Previews, people under the age of 30 are given the opportunity to attend the performances that inaugurate the Opera and Ballet seasons in special previews dedicated to them at the symbolic price of 20 euro;
  • the PassUNDER30 moves a further step towards loyalty: at just 10 euros per year, audience members can become part of the LaScalaUNDER30 Community and enjoy access to all the dedicated initiatives like guided tours of the Theatre, backstage areas, Workshops, as well as free access to rehearsals or reserved promotions;
  • UNDER30 Season subscriptions allow the young public to become a faithful spectator of Teatro alla Scala, purchasing 4 shows for the price of one and enjoying the opportunity to participate in encounters with the artists and happy hours before each performance.

For the 2022-2023 Season, Teatro alla Scala worked on a new project for young people that are “growing out of” the UNDER30 concessions, with dedicated initiatives and offers that can accompany them up to the age of 35, continuing their educational path of training and loyalty as true “La Scala” aficionados.


Intesa SanPaolo

Sulla base del principio di “responsabilità civica”, che rappresenta uno dei suoi valori fondanti, Intesa Sanpaolo realizza i propri interventi nell’area culturale coniugando l’impegno in attività direttamente promosse con quello per iniziative in partnership, in modo da sviluppare un sostegno attivo nella promozione culturale al fianco di enti di grande rilevanza formativa, scientifica e artistica.

In questo ambito si conferma il pluriennale sostegno al progetto La Scala UNDER30, dedicato ai giovani e nato dalla volontà di avvicinare un pubblico sempre più vasto alla cultura musicale.

È un'impronta che fa parte del DNA e del patrimonio culturale di Intesa Sanpaolo, chiave originale per sviluppare nuove idee e progettualità al servizio del Paese e una testimonianza concreta di fiducia nelle nuove generazioni.


Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lombardia

“We are happy to confirm that our shared initiative with La Scala is a constructive response to our objectives at the Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lombardia. In the arts and culture sector, as in others, our aim and our vocation is to promote high-value paths of action that function as a driving force for development”, says Aldo Poli, FBML.

Since 2006, the foundation has forged a new relationship with the Teatro alla Scala in the form of a concept for young people, who represent the future of the theatre and other performance forms. The “La ScalaUNDER30” programme offers young people an opportunity to become better acquainted with cultural and artistic values.

With the project "Great Performances for Children", special discounts on opera and ballet tickets for young people, the UNDER30 card and young people’s previews, the Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lombardia helps young people take their first steps towards discovery of the stage arts, together with their families.

