Contest Coppélia #WinScala on TikTok

Contest Coppélia #WinScala on TikTok

What is the object you are so attached to that you wish it to come to life?


  1. The contest, open to anyone with a TikTok account, starts on 4 December and ends on 10 December;
  2. Joining the contest is very easy! Watch the video with our dancers, Nicoletta Manni, Timofej Andrijashenko and Christian Fagetti. And then challenge yourself: answer the question, let your creativity free and have fun.
  3. You can share with us as many video as you want;
  4. Some tips? It’s important that you follow our TikTok account and always use the original music sound from our video. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #WinScala and the mention @teatroallascala;
  5. The creators of the three most original or funny TikTok will win a ticket to attend Coppélia Preview on Friday 15 December, at 8pm!
  6. We will announce the lucky winners directly on our TikTok account @teatroallascala on Monday 11 December. The winners will be contacted via private message.

Do you like this initiative? So what are you waiting for?! Partecipate and… #WinScala!