La Scala's photographers

La Scala's photographers

Erio Piccagliani

Erio Piccagliani was born in Modena. In 1950 he was entrusted by Teatro alla Scala with the recording of the Theatre's daily activities. He worked with passion for almost thirty years. He retired in September 1979 leaving Teatro alla Scala his precious photographic archive.

Silvia Lelli e Roberto Masotti

Silvia Lelli and Roberto Masotti were born in Ravenna.

They studied in Florence: Silvia took her degree in Architecture, Roberto took an Industrial Design diploma. Since 1974 they have been living in Milan, Silvia devoting herself to avant-garde theatre, dance, opera and classical music and Roberto dedicating himself to jazz, contemporary and experimental music. From October 1979 till 1996 they had been Teatro alla Scala's official Photographers.

Marco Brescia e Rudy Amisano

Marco Brescia was born in Milan; he started his career as a photographer in the '80s working for Studio Azzurro in Milan specializing in still-life advertising and architectural photography.

Rudy Amisano was born in Milan. He took a diploma in visual communication. In 1987 he started working as a photographer in different branches such as  portraits, interiors, still-life and fashion. He also dealt with independent filmmaking.

Since 2005 Marco Brescia and Rudy Amisano have been the official photographers of Teatro alla Scala.